Looking Back on an Action-Packed Six Months!

I cannot believe that we are already nearly halfway through the year.  The first half of 2016 has been an amazing ride for me and my team, to whom I have to give a major shout-out and without whose commitment to excellence our company could not do what we do so successfully.  Not only has my team produced a number of awesome events including Mobile World Congress, Enterprise Connect and our very own Perspectives1

Kandy Unwrapped

Developers pride themselves in being able to make magic happen using everything from Open Source with its games engines and web frameworks, to full blown APIs and SDKS. From basic capabilities to rich enablers, whether they are found on GitHub open source or GitHub's commercial developer domain, or shared in small social circles of developers - it's really fun to "crack the code." 

Telco 2.0™, ICT and the Exchange of Everything in the Digital Economy

The business model of Communication Service Providers (CSP), traditionally known as telcos, is under attack on multiple fronts. For decades, the telco business model has been one-sided: telcos provide services to consumers in a completely unidirectional paradigm where they define the offering and consumers can take it or try and find another one-sided competing offer.

GENBAND, fring and Kandy: Looking forward to a Sweet Week at #MWC16!

MWC is probably the largest and most important mobile conference in the industry and I can’t tell you how excited I am to get what is going to be an awesome week under way. We have a great show planned with tons of customer and partner meetings and briefings with media and analysts from all over the world. We also have some strategic customer announcements planned - so stay tuned.

New Omni Client Technology Will Heat Up Unified Communications

Over the past half-decade we’ve finally started to make some real progress simplifying deployment of Unified Communications (UC) and Collaboration.  First virtualization and now Cloud technologies have abstracted away much of the complexity of UC server deployments.  In the case of the Cloud, the burden has been shifted to third parties that focus on these tools so every organization is not forced to employ UC experts.

Looking Forward to Sharing My Take on UC and WebRTC at UC EXPO

Spring finally sprung in London last week with sunny days and temperatures in the 20s (70s).  It almost seems a shame to ask sun-starved Londoners to head indoors this week for one of the year’s biggest unified communications (UC) events, UC EXPO.  On the plus side, the good weather should ensure a busy event.  GENBAND will be showing off our UC and WebRTC solutions and will be supporting our newest